SDG 13: Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

SDG13 addresses climate change with calls to rapidly decarbonise the global economy as outlined in the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change. This aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C with an ambition to keep it below 1.5°C. SDG13 also aims to strengthen global resilience to climate-related hazards and natural disasters.
Achieving the transition to a climate-neutral society will require significant research and innovation, new ways of producing and consuming, and changes in the way we work, use transport, and live together.
How CSC is making a positive difference?
The CSC certification system plays a vital role in positively contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 13, Climate Action, through its comprehensive E3 criteria focused on energy and climate. By promoting the responsible use of energy and the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, CSC certification encourages companies to develop and implement effective climate policies (E3.01) and actively monitor their GHG emissions (E3.02). Moreover, CSC-certified companies are required to publicly report their monitoring results (E3.03) and undergo external verification of their GHG emissions (E3.04), ensuring transparency and accountability. Additionally, CSC certification encourages the setting of science-based CO2 emission reduction targets (E3.07) and tracks the achievement of these targets (E3.08). Furthermore, CSC promotes energy-saving awareness (E3.09) and incentivizes the use of renewable electrical energy (E3.11), thus contributing to the overall reduction of CO2 emissions and the advancement of climate action efforts outlined in SDG 13. Through these initiatives, CSC certification fosters a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship within the cement industry, aligning with the global objectives of mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable development.
Where does it appear in the Technical Manual ?
E3 – Energy & Climate
To promote the responsible use of energy and the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
E3.01 Climate policy
E3.02 Monitoring of GHG emissions
E3.03 Public reporting of monitoring results
E3.04 Externally verified reporting of GHG emissions
E3.05 Reporting to GNR database
E3.06 Reporting to CDP
E3.07 Science based CO2 emission reduction target
E3.08 Achievement of CO2 emission reduction target
E3.09 Energy saving awareness creation
E3.10 CO2 emissions
E3.11 Use of renewable electrical energy
How the cement and concrete industry is making a positive difference
It is well known that cement manufacturing is a CO2 intensive process. The industry recognises this and the need to reduce the carbon intensity of its products to support sustainable development and mitigate the extent and impact of climate change.
Launched on behalf of its member companies, the GCCA Climate Ambition demonstrates the commitment of the industry across the globe to drive down its CO2 footprint with an aspiration to deliver carbon neutral concrete by 2050. The ambition statement represents a critical milestone for the industry. It is the first time the industry has come together globally to state a collective ambition for a carbon-neutral future. The statement identifies the essential levers that will be required to achieve carbon-neutral concrete: reducing and eliminating energy-related emissions; reducing process emissions through new technologies and deployment of carbon capture; more efficient use of concrete; reusing and recycling concrete and buildings; and harnessing concrete’s ability to absorb and store carbon from the atmosphere.
We believe it is possible to achieve this aspiration because the industry has already made important progress in reducing emissions. Since 1990, the industry has achieved a 19.2% reduction in CO2 emissions per tonne of cementitious material and delivered a more than nine-fold increase in alternative fuel substitution of conventional fossil fuels.
In addition to the climate ambition, GCCA members are required to monitor and report their CO2 and other emissions, including particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and sulphur dioxides, as part of the GCCA Sustainability Charter.
At the operational level, replacing fossil fuels with lower-carbon alternatives and using alternative cementitious materials in place of clinker in cement is reducing the overall carbon intensity of cement. Meanwhile, new digital technologies allow greater control of process conditions, improving the energy and material efficiency of cement production. A broad range of carbon capture research projects is also underway in the industry, while climate action is an integral part of the mission of Innovandi – the Global Cement and Concrete Research Network. R&D efforts are key to delivering sustainable and resilient building products.
The industry also supports SDG13 targets through the various beneficial sustainability characteristics of concrete.
Concrete’s strength and durability, for example, mean it has an important role to play in strengthening the resiliency and adaptive capacity of communities to climate-related and nature disasters (SDG13,1), as concrete construction is better able to survive extreme weather and other catastrophic events than other building materials. Concrete can be used to reduce the energy demand of buildings through its thermal mass properties. It also absorbs carbon from the atmosphere, reducing the lifetime carbon intensity of concrete construction. It could play a role in balancing the energy grid, allowing greater utilisation of renewable energy sources (for which it is also an integral building material), and it may also be used to help remove other air pollutants. These and other sustainability benefits of concrete are discussed in more detail on our pages on the Sustainability Value of Concrete