Certification system
Certification process
Step 1: Getting informed
• Drafting the intended scope of certification: What concrete plants shall undergo the certification process? What part of the supply chain (cement and aggregates) is already certified or will undergo certification?
• Gather generic information from the CSC-webpage: here
• Perform a free Quick Scan to evaluate your performance in responsible sourcing: here
• Check whether a Regional System Operator (RSO) is available and what additional services it offers.
Step 2: Kick off your project
• Define responsibilities such as project lead, gathering of evidence, obtaining offers from certification bodies and uploading of evidence.
• Identify internal and external contact points for obtaining evidence documents
(e.g. HR department for labor-related criteria).
• Set up support tools for internal collaboration (e.g. mailing list, dedicated folders to store collected evidence documents).
Step 3: Register as user of the CSC-toolbox
• Access to the toolbox: here
• Wait for the CSC helpdesk to confirm your chosen Username and Password.
• Please use your company email address to be accepted as a user.
Step 4: Purchase licenses for your certification project
• The company buys one or more registration rights (see Fees). The purchase of at least one registration rights is necessary for accessing the toolbox for other purposes than performing a “Quickscan”.
• Registration rights can be purchased in your account under ‘settings’ / “licenses”: here
• You will find the number of registration rights needed to obtain the certification license for a plant: here
• Purchasing a bundle of licenses reduces the costs per license. CSC members are eligible for additional discounts.
Step 5: Create your project
• The company first defines the project(s) in the Toolbox. This requires specifying the plants that will undergo certification and the assessment type (cement/ concrete/ aggregates).
• Go here and follow the instructions
• The project information (incl. name/address of the company/plant) will be used for the certificate
Step 6: Gathering of evidence
• In the assessment, all relevant evidence needs to be collected and uploaded via the toolbox. Furthermore, appropriate explanation for the assessor (see step 4) must be provided.
• Identify the criteria the plants undergoing certification are compliant with.
• Gather related evidence documents (e.g. guidelines, policies, procedures, photo evidence, plant data and management systems documentation).
• Submit evidence relating to credit “B3 Innovation” to the Innovation Committee (IC) for assessment. Detailed information on the related process is provided in a dedicated chapter. As this process requires some time it is advisable to submit the evidence as early as possible.o store collected evidence documents).•• In the assessment, all relevant evidence needs to be collected and uploaded via the toolbox. Furthermore, appropriate explanation for the assessor (see step 4) must be provided.
Step 7: Choose a certification body
• The company has to select a CSC accredited CB latest after project registration. The CB appoints an assessor to the project. Auditing costs are subject of a dedicated agreement between the client and the CB.
• Choose your Certification Body (CB) amongst the CSC-accredited bodies listed on the website: here
• Indicate your choice in the “CSC Toolbox” under the frame of your registered project.
• The chosen CB will nominate an assessor and indicate this in the Toolbox.
• It is advisable to perform this step before Step 6 is finalized; this will increase the probability that the assessor is available as soon as all evidence is ready for review.
Step 8: Upload your evidence
- Upload your evidence in the “CSC Toolbox” under the frame of your registered project and provide additional explanation where helpful to accelerate the assessor’s verification process.
- For multiple certifications, you can copy generic evidence from one project to another
Step 9: Register your project
• Formal registration of the certification project(s) is necessary to start the certification process. On registration the certification licenses are used. The terms and conditions have to be accepted.
Step 10: The assessor’s verification process
• The assessor checks the evidence uploaded in the Toolbox and during site-visits.
• The assessor will typically first carry out a desktop review of the submitted evidence.
• An on-site audit at selected plants will allow the assessor to verify the evidence on site: number of visited plants = 0.7 x square root of the number of plants undergoing certification
• In case there is a regional system operator, regional requirements for site visits can apply.
• In case the assessor identifies non-conformites and improvement opportunities the client will be requested to submit additional evidence.
• Once satisfied the assessor closes the certification and informs the CB accordingly.
• The certification body performs quality assurance activities on the work of the assessor. The assessor validates each criterion and explains why the points are achieved or denied.
Step 11: Certification
• The CB issues and publishes the certificate, see: here
• The first two pages of the certificate become available as a download on the CSC website at the publication date agreed between the CB and the company.
• The certificate is valid for three years.
• Set up support tools for internal collaboration (e.g. mailing list, dedicated folders to store collected evidence documents).