SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries.

SDG10 aims to reduce inequality by targeting higher-than-average income growth for the bottom 40% of national populations, as well as eliminating discriminatory practices based on age, gender, sexuality, disability, rate, ethnicity, religion, or economic status.
Despite progress toward reducing inequalities between countries, such as providing duty-free access to markets for exports from developing countries, inequalities persist within countries:
- In only half of 92 countries with comparable data for 2011-2016 did the bottom 40% experience income growth higher than the national average.
- Women living in rural areas are three times more likely to die during childbirth than those in urban areas.
- Those living with disabilities are the world’s largest minority but are up to five times more likely than average to incur catastrophic health expenditures.
Inequality is a major obstacle to social and economic development. It hinders poverty reduction efforts, as well as severely damaging a person’s health and wellbeing. Simply put: sustainable development is not achievable when significant groups of people are prevented from accessing the benefits that development brings
How CSC is making a positive difference?
The CSC certification significantly contributes to Sustainable Development Goal 10 by promoting fair business practices and ensuring compliance with ethical and legal standards within the cement industry. Recognized as one of the fundamental prerequisites, CSC’s robust framework for ethical and legal compliance (P1 criteria) ensures that certified companies adhere to all applicable legislation and maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption (P1.02). Moreover, CSC-certified operations are committed to upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and acknowledging the rights of indigenous peoples (P2 and P3 criteria). This includes respecting internationally recognized human rights, addressing conflicts with local laws (P2.02), upholding labor rights (P2.03), and ensuring the free, prior, and informed consent of indigenous peoples potentially affected by their operations (P3.02). By promoting fair business practices and compliance with ethical and legal standards, CSC certification helps to reduce inequalities and promote social inclusion, thereby advancing progress towards SDG 10’s goal of reducing inequalities within and among countries.
Where does it appear in the Technical Manual ?
Fair business practices & compliance
Framework for ethical and legal compliance
Operations comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and acknowledge indigenous peoples’ rights
P1 – Ethical and Legal Compliance
Aim To ensure compliance with all applicable legislation.
P1.01 Legal Compliance
P1.02 Anti Corruption
P2 – Human Rights
Aim To ensure respect for all internationally recognized human rights in the “International Bill of Human Rights” which is based on the ICCPR, ICESCR and ILO Fundamental Conventions
P2.02 Conflict with local laws
P2.03 Labour Rights
P3 – Indigenous Peoples Rights
Aim: To ensure that the rights and way of life of indigenous peoples potentially affected are respected.
P3.02 Free, prior and informed consent
How the cement and concrete industry is making a positive difference
The equitable provision of basic infrastructure and services is an important element in the reduction of inequality, supporting economic activities that can improve the incomes of the bottom 40%. As a durable, cost-effective and widely-available sustainable building material, concrete is vital to the construction of such infrastructure and therefore to promoting economic growth, including among the most vulnerable groups, such as the very poor, women and girls, and those living with disabilities.
At its most basic, this means constructing accessible buildings and transport infrastructure, or safe and sanitary toilets. But it also encompasses accessible healthcare and educational facilities, as well as energy, water and sanitation infrastructure, and affordable decent housing.
As important employers and economic contributors to the countries, regions, and communities in which they operate, cement and concrete companies also play an important role in achieving SDG10 goals in their everyday business practices, e.g. through fair and transparent hiring practices, the payment of decent wages, equal training and professional development opportunities for all employees, and the inclusion of minority or underrepresented groups in stakeholder consultation process.