General Questions
The CSC has developed its own certification system to promote the transparency of sustainable processes in the cement and concrete industry. With the help of this certification system, an insight into the operational business in the areas of economy, ecology and social affairs is made possible. Not only the raw materials and their origin are assessed, but also the manufacturing process of the concrete and its effects on the social and ecological environment.
The duration of a certification cannot be generalized. However, the following values serve as a guide. Companies with experience in sustainability management can complete the certification in about 3-4 months. The processing time increases to around 6 months if there is little or no experience in the area. In addition, the duration of a certification can be extended if evidence is not yet available and still needs to be worked out.
The auditing and certification itself is carried out by certification bodies (ZS) that are independent of the CSC. The costs for the auditing by the certification service provider depend on a number of factors. The tasks of the certification service provider include, for example, checking the uploaded proof of conformity, on-site inspections in selected plants and issuing the certificates. The review takes place on the same online platform (toolbox). So get an individual offer
The costs of a CSC certification can basically be divided into the following categories: license costs, costs for the auditing by the certification service provider and personnel costs company. Other costs can be for an additional external consultant or for implementation of relevant measures to meet additional criteria.
The Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC) is an international association initiated by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) together with the cement and concrete industry. As of January 1st, 2019, the CSI was transferred to the new organization Global Cement & Concrete Association (GCCA). With its membership, the GCCA supports the goals of the CSC.
Potential beneficiaries of the CSC certification scheme are concrete manufacturers, cement manufacturers and aggregate manufacturers. The system rewards companies that are committed to sustainable management.
The CSC pursues the goal of further increasing the transparency of sustainable action within the concrete industry. In the future, the sustainability of concrete as a building material should be emphasized even more.
The CSC Certification system
A CSC certificate is valid for three years from the date of issue. A CSC Supplier Certificate is valid for three years from the date of issue.
In order to receive a CSC certificate, certain basic requirements must be met. In addition, points can be awarded in the following categories: management, environment, social affairs, economy and product chain
Currently: bronze, silver, gold, platinum
The RSO supports the CSC on a national/regional level in the implementation and maintenance of the CSC certification system and is the first point of contact for information on CSC certification in the respective region. The main tasks of the RSO include marketing, training, general assistance and lobbying. The RSO also offers translations of relevant documents (e.g. Technical Manual) into the local language. If necessary, the RSO can propose local adjustments. The BTB is responsible for Germany.
The CSC system is a product certification system that normally applies to all products manufactured at the factory. Ready-mixed concrete and precast concrete plants that produce fresh concrete can receive a “CSC certificate”. Cement and aggregate suppliers can obtain a “CSC Supplier Certificate”. The CSC supplier certificates are taken into account in the CSC concrete certification in the “Product chain” category.
In addition, a distinction is made between mobile plants, cement grinding plants and manufacturers of recycled aggregates. Since March 2020, dry mortar plants can also be certified, provided that the binder is based on cement.