The CSC licences fees
Every plant that wants to certify needs one certification license.
CSC certification licenses can be redeemed with registration rights
which can be purchased individually and in the form of a bundle.
Costs for CSC registration rights are as follows:
Contact CSC for learn more about fees or for purchase certifications
To register a project, the certification licenses can be paid with registration rights as follows:

To upgrade existing certificates during their period of validity,
the upgrading license can be paid with registration rights as follows:

The validity of an upgraded certificate remains unchanged.
• Companies that are member of a CSC Regional System Operator (RSO) receive a discount of 7.5% on the price of registration rights.
• CSC member companies receive a discount of 7.5% on the price of registration rights.
• Companies that are RSO member companies and CSC member companies receive a discount of 15% (accumulation of discounts).
• Registration rights have no expiration date.
• There will be no refund of unused registration rights.
Validity period of the CSC-certificate
CSC certification is valid for three years. Once certification is obtained, the certificate holder must ensure remaining compliance with the performance level stated by the Certification Body (CB) at the moment of issuing the certificate.
The certificate expires after three years. It is necessary to undergo the full certification process prior to the certificate’s expiration date to remain CSC certified.
Certificate upgrading
The certificate holder has the right to improve its score and the related certification level at any moment in time by providing additional evidence. This additional evidence must be validated by a CB before an upgraded certificate can be issued. The upgrade is subject of a dedicated fee to be paid to the CSC. The expiration date of the upgraded certificate remains the same as the expiration date of the initial certificate, unless the certificate holder decides to undergo the full certification process.
In case the certificate holder opts for undergoing the full certification process, a new certificate is issued with a validity period of three years.
Certificate maintenance
It is an obligation of the certificate holder to report to the CB if the performance level stated by the CB during the moment of certification is no longer be met. This is typically the case if part of the supply of cement and/or aggregates is switched back to non-certified producers, if management system certifications are discontinued, or if other criteria awarded during the certification process are no longer met.
If the reduced sustainability performance no longer justifies the current certification level, the CB issues – at the expense of the certificate holder – an updated certificate that reflects the new situation. The expiration date of the updated certificate remains the same as the expiration date of the initial certificate.
Certificate withdrawal
In case it becomes obvious that a certificate holder fails to report a substantial decrease in its sustainability performance, the CB that previously issued the certificate holder’s certificate has the right to withdraw the CSC certificate. All benefits related to CSC certification, such as the use of the logo, will automatically cease upon certificate withdrawal.
The CSC reserves the right to exclude plants, who have lost their certificate as a consequence for noncompliance, from getting re-certified for a period of up to five years.
Complaint procedure
In case of certificate withdrawal, the former certificate holder has the possibility of seeking arbitration by submitting to the CSC.
A written complaint explaining why the certificate should not be withdrawn. The CSC Executive Committee (ExCo) will make a final decision on the complaint during the following scheduled meeting.