Work with us

Architects & Prescribers
• Required to set requirement early in process
• Show how concrete can contribute to green
building certification

• Grow a broader awareness of all elements of concrete.
• Show how important it is to know the source of the
material and its sustainability
• Was your school, house etc build sustainably?

• Frame the materiality that concrete provides in
responsible construction and the impact the industry
is having on the key topics.
• Highlight that solutions and the best practice is available

Engineers & Principle Contractors
• Required to set requirement early in process
• Show how concrete operators are not all equal in terms
of sustainability.
• Leading operators go beyond quality and service to
deliver sustainable construction solutions

• Demonstrate cutting edge thinking of industry
performance are being met by the standards
• Highlight future trends and innovations

• Show that there is commercial value for customers in
addressing sustainability issues
• Show how they are part of a broad supply chain
The Concrete Sustainability Council expresses its appreciation to all persons involved in the development of the
previous CSC-certification system versions launched since January 2017.
This new update of the certification system, Version 3.0, was once again developed in a collaborative approach. Main
contributors include:
Buzzi Unicem Group, represented by Thomas Sievert
Heidelberg Materials, represented by Christian Artelt, Carolyn Jewell, and Tania Bolaños
Holcim, represented by Renata Ambrogi Cunha Simoes, Anissa Gerber and Michael Scharpf
Titan Cement, represented by Dimitris Papageorgiou
Industry Associations
BTB, represented by Andreas Tuan Phan
Fedbeton, represented by Bert Schrijver
THBB, represented by Asli Özbora
Certification Bodies
Kiwa, represented by Pleun Kleinveld and Richie Hilgersom
VOBN, represented by Wilfred Oosterling
SGS, represented by Remy Zwerus
ICMQ, represented by Manuel Mari
who helped develop the system via their contributions to the CSC’s Technical and Executive Committee and via
providing their dedicated expertise and guidance
Civil Society Organisations
Friends of Nature Lebanon, represented by Myrna Semaan
BSR, represented by Alison Berthet
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), represented by Florence Curet and Maria Ana Borges
Bond Beter Leefmilieu, represented by Tycho Van Hauwaert
World Resources Forum, represented by Emanuele Di Francesco
Green Benor Label, represented by Laurent Mbumbia and Johan Baeten
Labor Organisations
IG BCE and IG BAU, represented by Norbert Steinert
Damilola S. Olawuyi from the working group of the United Nations (OHCHR)
Mira K Lannutti, as an Independent Advisor
Green Building Councils
DGNB, represented by Anna Braune, Johannes Kreißig, Levan Ekhvaia and Karen Sternsdorff
CSC Technical Manual Version 3.0
ÇEDBİK, represented by Furkan Gültekin
ETH Zürich, represented by Guillaume Habert
OST-Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, represented by Simone Stürwald
who, by means of their expertise and guidance, provided valuable input during the CSC’s Stakeholder Consultation
The Concrete Sustainability Council would like to thank all contributors for their valuable input and in particular for
their personal dedication and engagement throughout the whole development process of this new CSC-certification
system version.