Dyckerhoff Renews CSC Gold Certifications Across German Plants

April 18, 2024

The Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC) proudly congratulates Dyckerhoff GmbH and Dyckerhoff Beton GmbH & Co. KG for the successful renewal of Gold certifications for all seven German cement plants and ten German ready-mixed concrete plants by the end of March 2024, following the expiration of the three-year validity period.

This significant achievement highlights Dyckerhoff’s steadfast commitment to sustainability across its operations. The renewed Gold certifications encompass Dyckerhoff’s headquarters plant in Amoeneburg (Wiesbaden), as well as integrated cement plants in Göllheim, Geseke, Lengerich, and Deuna, along with two grinding plants in Neuss and Neuwied.

In addition to its cement plants, Dyckerhoff’s concrete branch has also been recognized for its sustainability efforts. Recertification extends to four ready-mixed concrete plants in the Rhine-Ruhr region (Emmerich, Essen, Neuss, and Swisttal-Straßfeld), three plants in the Rhine-Main-Taunus region (Karlsruhe, Ludwigshafen, and Wiesbaden-Amoeneburg), and plants in Hamburg, Osnabrück (Weser-Ems branch), and Saarbrücken (Saar-Mosel branch)

The certified facilities have rigorously adhered to comprehensive criteria evaluating environmental, managerial, social, economic, and supply chain performance. Through responsible sourcing, production practices, and the integration of sustainable technologies, Dyckerhoff reaffirms its dedication to environmentally-friendly cement and concrete production. This steadfast commitment serves as a catalyst for advancing sustainable construction methodologies across the industry.

more information can be found on Dyckerhoff’s website: https://www.dyckerhoff.com/media/news/csc-zertifizierung-erneuert?languageId=en_US