Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC): Leading the change Towards Sustainable Construction

April 9, 2024

Following the inaugural Building and Construction Climate Forum, held on March 7-8 in Paris and co-organized by France and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), supported by the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC), governments have rallied behind a groundbreaking initiative. Endorsing the “Déclaration de Chaillot,” representatives from 70 countries have committed to a collaborative framework aimed at decarbonizing and reinforcing climate resilience within the buildings sector.

The Chaillot Declaration underscores the urgent need to transition towards carbon-neutral and resilient built environments to effectively combat climate change. Among the critical measures outlined in this landmark declaration, the pivotal role of certifications in advancing sustainable practices has garnered significant attention. “(6.3. Advancing and promoting the adoption of standards, labels and certifications in the buildings and construction sector or supporting the adoption of these at the subnational level )”. Here, the Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC) certification scheme emerges subsequently as a cornerstone.

The CSC certification scheme offers a robust framework for evaluating the sustainability performance of concrete producers and their supply chain worldwide. By meticulously assessing environmental, social, and economic factors, CSC certification provides stakeholders with the assurance that concrete products are responsibly sourced and manufactured, thereby curbing the carbon footprint associated with construction activities.

Integrating CSC certification into broader initiatives aimed at advancing sustainable construction enables stakeholders to collectively strive towards creating resilient, low-carbon built environments that mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change. As the construction industry increasingly embraces the principles of sustainability, the Concrete Sustainability Council certification scheme is positioned to lead the way in driving positive transformation, paving the path towards a more sustainable future for future generations