A new version of the P2-Human Rights Prerequisite and Annex has been developed and will be piloted in countries with first CSC-certifications
May 8, 2023
With the clear objective to further develop and revise the CSC certification scheme, leading to a continuous improvement in the sustainability performance of the concrete sector, two workshops focusing on Human Rights were organized at the beginning of 2023 with a diverse group of human rights and industry experts.
The outcome of the workshops brought valuable feedback on Human Rights that will lead to a revised version of the Human Rights Prerequisites and the Annex.
The revised version will provide additional guidance to CSC Certification Bodies when auditing CSC certification projects.The revised Human Rights Prerequisites will be introduced in two dedicated phases:
- In the pilot phase, starting as of now in all “new” CSC countries, i.e. countries without previous CSC certification projects and regardless of their location, for all upcoming projects it will be mandatory to join the pilot phase and apply the new Pilot Human Rights Prerequisites and Annex.
The new Human Rights Prerequisites and Annex for the Pilot phase can be downloaded here.
- The new Human Rights Prerequisites and Annex will be implemented in all other countries with the release of the next CSC certification version (expected 2024). The Technical Manual and the toolbox will be adapted accordingly and published with the launch of the new CSC certification version.
- The main updates include:
- Clear aim to ensure respect for ALL internationally recognized human rights in the “International Bill of Human Rights”
- Inclusion of P2.02 Conflict with local laws and P2.03 Labour Rights
- Documented evidence to demonstrate commitment to respect internationally recognized human rights in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights or the OECD Guidelines.
Photo: Concrete in Daily Life CIDA21 Ahmet Öner (@ametnr), Istanbul