We are proud to publish our Annual report for 2022 and to provide you with some key figures, results and reflections for the year ahead.
The Chair, Christian Artelt and Vice Chair, Michael Scharpf share in the introduction a number of highlights that have marked 2022:
In 2022 the CSC was happy to welcome Liliana Lasso de la Vega as the new CSC Secretary and Technical Manager. Liliana is an industrial engineer with experience in the building materials industry and a strong background in financial management. One of her key-tasks is to coordinate the development of the next generation of the CSC certification system.
CSC certification continued to expand world-wide with first certifications in Austria, Peru, Portugal, Slovakia and Sweden and the family of CSC certification systems was enhanced by launching the CO2-Module, a dedicated label for low CO2 concrete products. The CO2 module is available for companies that have obtained or are obtaining the CSC certificate (Silver or higher), leading the concrete sector’s transition to carbon neutrality. Throughout 2022, we delivered 36 CO2-Module certificates and the number is expected to continue increasing next year.
The R-Module was updated and continued to gain momentum: 40 plants, 26 of them in 2022, have been awarded with this dedicated label for recycling concrete The demand is expected to continue growing as the use of recycled aggregates is increasingly valued by green building labels.
The CSC also developed a dedicated certification system for slag grinding stations, which is available since December 1st, 2022.
The certifications performed in 2022 with the CSC System Version 2.1 were monitored and evaluated and the results are shared in this report. Insights gained through the evaluation process will be used for future improvements of the CSC certification system.
As the operator of the first and leading certification system for responsibly sourced concrete of global relevance, the CSC is proud of its contribution to making concrete and its supply chain even more sustainable.
You can read and downoad the full annual report here: https://csc.eco/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2022_-CSC-Annual-Report-Website-1.pdf